On a data grid, we can use a function in the cell.class-name attribute to dynamically pass the class name based on row data.
“cellContext” will contain the required information. We can use console.log() to identify the structure.
This can be used for other attributes, like “header.column.class-name” as well on oj-data-grid
This can be used when we want show different style for different rows, like
- If we want to highlight top performer in a data set,
- or differently show calculated fields
- or if we want to show different type with a different color
Sample HTML code:
<div class="oj-flex">
<div class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 ">
<h5>Data grid</h5>
<oj-data-grid id="datagrid" style="width:100%;height:400px" aria-label="My Data Grid"
data='{{ salaryDataADP }}'
header.column.style="[[ headerColStyle ]]" header.column.resizable.width="enable"
header.column.resizable.height="enable" header.row.resizable.width="enable"
cell.class-name="[[ cellClassNameFunc ]]"
cell.style="width: 200px;">
Sample JS code:
this.cellClassNameFunc = function (cellContext) {
let cellRowIndex = cellContext.indexes.row;
let classNameStr = "oj-helper-justify-content ";
// to do styling based on index
// if (cellRowIndex % 3 === 0) {
// classNameStr += "oj-bg-success-10 oj-text-color-success";
// } else if (cellRowIndex % 3 === 1) {
// classNameStr += "oj-bg-danger-30 oj-text-color-danger";
// } else {
// classNameStr += "oj-bg-warning-30 oj-text-color-warning";
// }
let key = cellContext.key;
let rowData = cellContext.datasource.data.find((x) => x.id === key);
if (rowData.city === "Delhi" || rowData.city === "Banglore") {
classNameStr += "oj-bg-success-10 oj-text-color-success";
} else if (rowData.city === "Hyderabad" || rowData.city === "Kolkata") {
classNameStr += "oj-bg-danger-30 oj-text-color-danger";
} else if (rowData.city === "Mumbai" || rowData.city === "Nagpur") {
classNameStr += "oj-bg-warning-30 oj-text-color-warning";
return classNameStr;
Choosing row background color and text color based on city

Choosing row background color and text color based on index

Live application URL ( row style based on city ): https://khalil232.com/apps/ojet-apps/?ojr=data-grid-example
Datagrid js doc for identifying other attributes : https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jsdocs/oj.ojDataGrid.html
CSS helpers used:
Background-color: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jsdocs/BackgroundColor.html
Font color: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jsdocs/Text.html