Commonly used Buttons in VBCS

Button is element for user to interact. On button click we can call some rest API or show some message.

<oj-button label="Download" >

Link for viewing the buttons code with styles –

Here are few buttons which I regularly use

Code for button with icon

<oj-button label="Download" >
    <span class="oj-ux-ico-download" slot="startIcon"></span>

Toolbar buttons Add row, Edit Row, Delete Row buttons ( generally used above a table or for each loop )

<div class="oj-flex">
  <oj-toolbar chroming="solid" class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-12">
    <oj-button label="Add" class="oj-button-sm">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-plus" slot="startIcon"></span>
    <oj-button label="Edit" class="oj-button-sm">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-edit" slot="startIcon"></span>
    <oj-button label="Delete" class="oj-button-sm">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-trash" slot="startIcon"></span>

Save and cancel button in dialog box

<oj-dialog dialog-title="Dialog" id="add-dialog" initial-visibility="show">
  <div slot="body">
    <div class="oj-flex">
      <div class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-12">
          <oj-input-text label-hint="Text"></oj-input-text>
  <div slot="footer">
    <oj-button label="Save" class="oj-button-sm" chroming="callToAction">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-save" slot="startIcon"></span>
    <oj-button label="Cancel" class="oj-button-sm">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-close" slot="startIcon"></span>

Close button ( for message only dialog box )

<oj-dialog dialog-title="Dialog" id="add-dialog" initial-visibility="show">
  <div slot="body">
    <div class="oj-flex">
      <div class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-12">
        Form Submitted successfully.
  <div slot="footer">
    <oj-button label="Close" class="oj-button-sm">
      <span class="oj-ux-ico-close" slot="startIcon"></span>

Inline action items of table ( to provide inline edit or inline delete or to view more details )

<div class="oj-flex">
  <oj-table scroll-policy="loadMoreOnScroll" class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-12"
    <template slot="Action">
      <oj-button label="Edit" class="oj-button-sm">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-edit" slot="startIcon"></span>
      <oj-button label="Delete" class="oj-button-sm">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-trash" slot="startIcon"></span>

For inline navigation to a different page give link instead of button

<div class="oj-flex">
  <oj-table scroll-policy="loadMoreOnScroll" class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-12"
    <template slot="department">
      <oj-bind-if test="[[ $current.row.departmentNumberObject.count > 0 ]]">
        <a target="_blank" class="oj-link">
          <oj-bind-text value="[[$current.row.departmentNumberObject.items[0].name]]"></oj-bind-text>

In Form Save Cancel buttons ( Don’t give reset here ) as forms could be long and accidently clicking will remove all data

<div class="oj-flex">
  <div class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-4">
    <oj-form-layout class="oj-formlayout-full-width" direction="row" label-edge="inside" columns="2"   label-width="45%" user-assistance-density="compact">
      <oj-label-value colspan="2" label-edge="start">
        <oj-label for="name-input" slot="label">Name</oj-label>
        <oj-input-text id="name-input" slot="value" ></oj-input-text>
      <oj-label-value colspan="2" label-edge="start">
        <oj-label for="city-input" slot="label">City</oj-label>
        <oj-input-text id="city-input" slot="value" "></oj-input-text>
      <oj-button label="Save" class="oj-button-sm oj-button-full-width">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-save" slot="startIcon"></span>
      <oj-button label="Cancel" class="oj-button-sm oj-button-full-width">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-close" slot="startIcon"></span>

In Search ( Search, Reset, Cancel ) ( Reset should reset the form to how it is shown on page load )

<div class="oj-flex">
  <div class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-4">
    <oj-form-layout class="oj-formlayout-full-width" direction="row" label-edge="inside"
      <oj-label-value label-edge="start" label-width="35%">
        <oj-label for="name-input" slot="label">Name</oj-label>
        <oj-input-text id="name-input" slot="value"></oj-input-text>
      <oj-label-value label-edge="start" label-width="35%">
        <oj-label for="city-input" slot="label">City
        <oj-input-text id="city-input" slot="value" "></oj-input-text>
      <oj-button label=" Search" class="oj-button-sm" chroming="callToAction">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-search" slot="startIcon"></span>
      <oj-button label="Reset" class="oj-button-sm">
        <span class="oj-ux-ico-reset-variable" slot="startIcon"></span>

Commonly used buttons and icons

Download - <span class="oj-ux-ico-download" ></span>
Submit -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-check" ></span>
Save  -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-save" ></span>
Reset  -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-reset-variable" ></span>
Clear -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-close" ></span>
Add  -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-plus" ></span>
Edit  -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-edit" ></span>
Delete -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-trash" ></span>
Upload -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-upload" ></span>
View -  <span class="oj-ux-ico-view" ></span>

Link for VBCS icons –

About the Author


Hi, I'm Khalil, a passionate front-end developer with over 8 years of experience in web development. I specialize in building interactive, user-friendly websites using technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java.

I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects across different industries, helping businesses create modern and responsive web applications.

Outside of coding, I enjoy exploring the latest trends in design and tech, as well as sharing knowledge with others. I'm always looking for new challenges to grow my skills and make a positive impact in the tech community

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