Format dates in VBCS page using functions

You can use oj-input-date or oj-input-date-time components for showing formatted date and use convertor options

But when using above component only for read-only purpose to show some values in grid or table, it doesn’t make sense to use input fields.

Instead we can use oj-bind-text field and pass data using following JavaScript function.

The JavaScript function will add necessary formatting to the date and return the value as string.

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We can use date convertor functions to format the date in required format

JavaScript function

define(["ojs/ojconverter-datetime"], (datetimeConverter) => {
  "use strict";

  class PageModule {
    convertDateToStr(customDate) {
        let dateConvertor = new datetimeConverter.IntlDateTimeConverter({
          pattern: "dd-MMM-yyyy",
      return dateConvertor.format(customDate);

  return PageModule;

Patterns examples

Patterns Input – date stringOutput – formatted date
MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss2024-01-18T13:59:23+05:3001/18/2024 01:59:23
MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a2024-01-18T13:59:23+05:3001/18/2024 01:59:23 PM

References –

jsDoc for IntlDateTimeConverter ( to view all convertor options )

Live application URL ( to try out few configs )

About the Author


Hi, I'm Khalil, a passionate front-end developer with over 8 years of experience in web development. I specialize in building interactive, user-friendly websites using technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java.

I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects across different industries, helping businesses create modern and responsive web applications.

Outside of coding, I enjoy exploring the latest trends in design and tech, as well as sharing knowledge with others. I'm always looking for new challenges to grow my skills and make a positive impact in the tech community

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