Format number in VBCS page using functions

You can use oj-input-number tag for showing formatted number and use convertor options But when using above component only for read-only purpose to show some values in grid or table, it doesn’t make sense to use input fields. Instead we can use oj-bind-text field and pass data using following javascript function. The JavaScript function will … Read more

Validations in groovy for business object

We can write simple or complex validations at business objects level in groovy For all these we can use validations using groovy. General idea is to create a object function using groovy to validate and use this object function in before insert trigger or before update trigger. Let us say we have a Business Object … Read more

How to rename file in MFT

In MFT, when file is moved from source to transfer, we can rename the file. This will be useful in scenarios when the file name is different than what is expected Sometime during decryption the extension is lost, we can add a different extension Sometimes we have to append a source to handle files from … Read more

How to make scroll bar thicker in vbcs table or gird

Based on the default redwood theme the table and grid scoll bar are very thin User can update it by adding the following code in app.css in vbcs application. width will increase the thickness of vertical scroll bar height will increase the thickness of horizontal scroll bar. Screenshot without additional css Screenshot with additional css … Read more

To show loading spinner in VBCS

Users can add the following html code in designer to add a loading spinner in vbcs. On button click they can call component ( #loading-dialog ) and select open method. Now loading dialog is shown, they do some action and after action is completed, they can call component ( #loading-dialog ) and select close method. … Read more

Commonly used Buttons in VBCS

Button is element for user to interact. On button click we can call some rest API or show some message. Link for viewing the buttons code with styles – Here are few buttons which I regularly use Code for button with icon Toolbar buttons Add row, Edit Row, Delete Row buttons ( generally used … Read more