How to download business object data as csv file in Visual Builder Cloud Service ( VBCS )

  1. Configure business object ( Ex: Country )
  2. Load data into business object
  3. Add a download button.
  4. On button click call rest API to fetch all data in business object using action chain.
  5. Create CSV content as blob
  6. Download blob file using JavaScript function

Sample BO data

IdCountry NameCountry Short Code
24American SamoaAS

HTML Code for button

<oj-button label="Download" on-oj-action="[[$listeners.buttonAction]]">
    <span class="oj-ux-ico-download" slot="startIcon"></span>

Action chain code for calling Javascript function

  "description": "",
  "root": "callFunctionDownloadDataFromBO",
  "actions": {
    "callFunctionDownloadDataFromBO": {
      "module": "vb/action/builtin/callModuleFunctionAction",
      "parameters": {
        "module": "[[ $functions ]]",
        "functionName": "downloadDataFromBO"
  "variables": {}

JavaScript function code to call business object rest API and download as csv

define(['vb/helpers/rest'], (Rest) => {
  'use strict';

  class PageModule {

    getLineItems(prevItems) {

      if (prevItems == undefined || prevItems == null) {
        prevItems = [];

      let endpointurl = "businessObjects/getall_Country";
      let queryString = "id is not null";

      var pageModuleVar = this;
      return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

        var ep = Rest.get(endpointurl);
        "q": queryString, 
        "onlyData": true, 
        limit: 500, 
        offset: prevItems.length,
        "orderBy": "id:asc"
        ep.fetch().then(function (result) {
          if (result.response.ok) {
            var currentItems = prevItems.concat(result.body.items);
            if (result.body.hasMore == true) {
            else {
          else {


    async downloadDataFromBO() {
      let lineItems = [];
      lineItems = await this.getLineItems(lineItems);

      let fieldNames = [
          "display": "Id",
          "fieldName": "id"
        }, {
          "display": "Country Name",
          "fieldName": "countryName"
        }, {
          "display": "Country Code",
          "fieldName": "countryShortCode"

      let headerLine = (fieldObj) {
        return fieldObj.display;

      let csvData = headerLine;

      for (let i = 0; i < lineItems.length; i++) {
        csvData += "\r\n";

        let csvRow = "";

        for (let j = 0; j < fieldNames.length; j++) {
          csvRow += '"' + lineItems[i][fieldNames[j].fieldName] + '"' + ",";

        csvData += csvRow;

      const blob = new Blob([csvData], { type: 'text/csv' });
      const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      const a = document.createElement('a');

      a.setAttribute('href', url);
      a.setAttribute('download', 'download.csv');;

  return PageModule;

About the Author


Hi, I'm Khalil, a passionate front-end developer with over 8 years of experience in web development. I specialize in building interactive, user-friendly websites using technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java.

I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects across different industries, helping businesses create modern and responsive web applications.

Outside of coding, I enjoy exploring the latest trends in design and tech, as well as sharing knowledge with others. I'm always looking for new challenges to grow my skills and make a positive impact in the tech community

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